TK05: JR Yamanote Line Pack / 東京だけでなく、おそらくは世界的にも有名な環状線。そんな山手線より、最新のE235系、そして一世代前のE231-500系をリリースします。
TK05: 山手線パック・Yamanote Line Pack
Last Update: 2022/07/29
No Updates planned

- Do not use this pack for making videos for earning money with it.
- This pack is only for Minecraft Version 1.7.10 (caused by scripts of the pack).
- For using this pack, you'll need the AzulBraveSoundLib.
- Edit 19th April: You can use this pack only on the latest version of RTM and NGTLib on 1.7.10
If you have been in Tokyo one time, I think you've seen the Yamanote-Line running a circle line through Tokyo. We have built up two generations of the line: The latest E235 Series and the E231-500 Series a generation before. All destination signs are included. For the first time, we have also activated some new functions:
- You can activate the interior light with the button "IL:ON/OFF" in the conductor menu.
- The lever for driving will move while you are driving.
Have fun with these new functions and the new train sets! I hope you will post some screenshots on Twitter with #NITStrain or on Instagram with #RealTrainMod
・19日追記: RTM及びNGTLibを最新のバージョンに更新したうえでご利用ください。
- Azul Brave (E231 Train Model)
- K-TREC (E235 Train Model, Script, Sound)
- NITS-Center (E231 Destination Roll, Button, Debug)
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