TK04: JR Tokaido Line Pack / RTM7周年記念に合わせて、こちらのパックを準備させていただきました。現行で東海道線を走る2形式と、7周年記念に合わせたオリジナル特別塗装、合わせて28両を収録しております。
TK04: 東海道線パック ・ Tokaido Line Pack
Last Update: 2022/07/29
No Updates planned

- This pack is only for Minecraft Version 1.7.10 (caused by scripts of the pack).
- For using this pack, you'll need the AzulBraveSoundLib.
- You can use this pack only on the latest version of RTM and NGTLib on 1.7.10
We want to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Real Train Mod with a brand new pack: the Tokaido Line Pack, including the E231-1000 Series and the E233-3000 Series. In addition to the regular type of them, we have created two new repaints with the special emblem for the anniversary. As we already did in the Yamanote Line Pack, we've made almost every destination of each series. Unfortunately not every destination, because we've reached the maximum limit of the RTM side. We have also activated some functions:
- You can activate the interior light with the button "IL:ON/OFF" in the conductor menu.
- The lever for driving will move while you are driving.
Have fun with these new functions and the new train sets! I hope you will post some screenshots on Twitter with #NITStrain or on Instagram with #RealTrainMod
We've decided to release a light-version at the same time.
- Azul Brave (Train Model)
- K-TREC (Script, Sound, Debug)
- NITS-Center (Destination Roll, Button, Debug)
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